Legal notice

Provider responsible as defined in §5 TMG (German Telemedia Act):

Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung


Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
contact: Dr. Axel Christian, Am Museum 1, 02826 Görlitz



Technical Editors

  • Diana Goernert, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
  • Kerstin Franke, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz


Content of the online offer

By accessing the pages of the Senckenberg website you hereby agree to the following terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not access these pages. No guarantee is furnished (either expressly or implied) as to the accuracy, reliability or content of individual pages. If advice or recommendations are provided, these constitute non-binding information (§ 675 para. 2 BGB, German Civil Code). Senckenberg reserves the right to revise the pages at any time. We assume no responsibility or liability for content produced or published by third parties, to which a link refers from VIRMISCO pages.


Software and Copyright

The VIRMISCO pages and the Viewer were designed by:

SednaSoft A. Schaffhirt & A. Wünsche GbR
Biesnitzer Straße 8, 02826 Görlitz, Germany


The taken image stacks and the total views are copyright and are allowed to use by pursuant cite. To cite please use the footer at every individual image or the following suggestion.


Suggested citation

Christian, A., Decker, P., Wurst, E. & W.E.R. Xylander: VIRMISCO The Virtual Microslide Collection. www. Accessed [date]


Liability for links
Our site includes links to external websites of third parties, over whose content we have no control. Thus, we cannot assume any liability for this external content. The provider or operator of those sites is always responsible for the content on linked pages.


Data privacy

Insofar as personal data (such as name, address or email addresses) are collected, this is conducted on a voluntary basis as far as possible. Our offers and services can be used without giving personal details wherever possible.

The use of contact data within the bounds of our legal notice obligations published by third parties to transmit unsolicited advertising and information is hereby expressly excluded. The site operators explicitly reserve the right to take legal action in the event that unsolicited advertising material is sent, such as spam emails.

Personal data you have submitted are not disclosed to third parties. We shall delete them after we have provided the service (e.g., replay requests). Any storage of data beyond this is undertaken only for applications, in which the data submitted are essential for administrative purposes or there are other legal obligations to do so.


Open Source

VIRMISCO is sponsored by the DFG, which allowed each user to use all its research results and its source code as “open source” (see “Informationsinfrastrukturen für Forschungsdaten, DFG-Vordruck 12.14 -09/15; only available in German)


Promotional reference

The project „Entwicklung von Standards zur fotografischen Dokumentation lichtmikroskopischer Dauerpräparate in prekären Einschlussmedien (Virmisco)“ is sponsored by „Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft“ (DFG) as part of  the „wissenschaftlichen Literaturversorgungs- und Informationssystems“ (LIS, Scientific Library Services and Information Systems).


Virmisco: DFG XY 12/6-1